Te Puna Taiao – About Us Overview
Our Trust advocates for education providers to create natural, interactive and culturally-connected spaces to allow tamariki opportunities for creative play, risk-taking, and the chance to forge greater connections with others and their natural world. Evidence indicates this will build resilience and hauora and help tamariki lead happy and productive lives.
Our kaupapa has been designed to provide children with the right opportunities to flourish, both as individuals, and as members of whānau, communities and Te Ao Tūroa.
In August 2018 we developed the Te Puna Taiao Charitable Trust to give our mahi the legal entity to enable us to share our learnings more widely, advocate for the better use of outdoor spaces, collaborate with others, and to support schools, communities, iwi and hapū to implement change for the benefit of our kids.
We are a registered charity, registration number CC56569 which means donations to our work are tax-deductible.
Vision & Mission
Our Role